Back To School Picture Day!

September 18, 2020 – 4:30-8:30pm

Cooley Collective Studios
40 North 100 East, Brigham City

This summer has been the longest summer in the history of summer vacations! It’s finally time for back to school. The one thing this school year is bound to have is an abundance of uncertainty and change!

Do we send our kids to school or do we homeschool? Are we doing enough to keep our teachers safe? Are we doing enough to keep our students safe?

I worry that “picture day” at school is a thing of the past. Can our kids even wear a mask for picture day?!

This year let Cooley Collective and Two Color Photography make things simpler for you by ensuring that your student can get trendy, beautiful school photos while abiding by the guidelines for social distancing!

Back to School

Eleven years ago my then 12 year old son brought home a school photo that floored me. He had closed eyes and ducky lips – back before ducky lips were cool. I asked him about the picture. He said the photographer told him to “act like he was kissing a girl”. My son has high functioning autism. I picture the photographer struggling to get a kid to smile not realizing that this particular child was going to take what he said very literally. I can see him in frustration just snapping the photo and then rushing to the next child in line. We laugh about it now, but 10 years ago I was a very frustrated mom!

Why pay for the expensive packages the school offers where your child’s picture looks the same as your neighbor’s child’s picture? Come see us instead and get a picture as unique as your child!

Amber Rust with Two Color Photography has over 15 years photography experience photographing children and teenagers and will capture your student’s personality for a fraction of the cost!

Back to School

Cost (click on links to register):

Here’s how it works: 

  • Select your top 3 10 minute time slots from the register using the form below, and pay online so that the check in process is a breeze the day of the event. BE SURE TO CLICK ON LINK(S) ABOVE TO PAY IN ORDER FOR YOUR REGISTRATION TO BE FINAL.
  • You will need 1 time slot for each child.
  • On the day of the session we will get you checked in and ready to go. 
  • Your session will be only 10 minutes long. There are 5 minutes in between each session in order to ensure social distancing between families.
  • You will be emailed 3 digital images per child in 5 business days


  • Individual pictures only
  • One outfit per registration
  • One child per registration
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